Tween Skin Self-Care 101: How to Stay Safe & Slay | Sundae School - Sundae Body

Tween Skin Self-Care 101: How to Stay Safe & Slay

Tween Skin Self-Care

With the rise of the ‘Sephora Kids’ trend, tweens and young teens are flocking to stores like Sephora to get their mitts on pricey and potent anti-ageing skincare products. We know that Gen Z and Generation Alpha in particular are heavily influenced by TikTok and are spending big bucks on skincare they may not even need. While it’s essential for tweens to have a skincare routine, it’s equally important to choose the right ingredients for young skin – and not waste precious dollars in the process!

Decoding Skincare: What Tweens Need to Know

When creating a skincare routine, the most important thing is to consider your skin type and choose ingredients that suit it. Sure, trends can be cool, but there’s a reason they’re called ‘trends’ in the first place! They come and go, and before you know it, something else is in the spotlight (and they're usually not cheap!). These trends may not suit your skin type or your stage of life. This is why it’s super important to understand and respect your skin type to avoid dealing with breakouts, irritation, and spending your hard-earned money unnecessarily.

To make things nice and easy, we’ve put together some quick tips to get you started, plus the skincare ingredients to store in that time capsule of yours, to be opened in your 20s or 30s. (Hehe.)

The Dos and Don’ts of Skincare for Tween Skin

Unlike our fave Olympians right now, not all skin and body care products deserve a gold medal in the hydration department. Keep reading to learn the best tips for tween skin (and our fave body care products, too!).


  1. Follow a simple three-step skincare routine
    Most dermatologists agree that teen and adolescent skin only really needs a three-step routine, regardless of their skin type or concerns. So, if you’re in your tween years, stick to cleansing, moisturizing and applying SPF.

  2. Switch to gel and oil-free products if you have oily skin
    If your general cleanser, moisturizer and SPF aren’t doing the job, consider trying a gel cleanser, lightweight gel-cream moisturizer and an oil-free, mattifying sunscreen to see if it makes a difference.

  3. Make SPF your BFF
    Choose a broad spectrum sunscreen that protects the skin from both UVA and UVB rays. You can even look for sunscreen that’s suited for younger skin (or for your skin type, like sensitive or oily).

Skincare products to avoid 

Many skincare products have ‘active’ ingredients, like retinols, peptides and salicylic acid (more on this one later). While some active ingredients (like salicylic acid or mild AHAs) can benefit acne-prone tweens and teens, most are unnecessary for younger skin. For example, active ingredients like vitamin C, niacinamide, retinol and peptides target adult issues like pigmentation and wrinkles and can be too harsh for younger skin, potentially causing sensitivity and adding unnecessary expenses. Let’s get into more detail below.

Retinols: These are recommended for our 20s, so using it in our tween or teenage years is not necessary. We don’t want to be the scary monster, but when applied, retinol creams and lotions can cause young skin to become red, dry and even peel. Best save that coin for something more fun – like new kicks, or an ice cream cone! Yum.

More don’ts

Harsh exfoliators: It’s cool to be cautious with harsh exfoliators (or exfoliating too often) as too much can damage and irritate the skin.

Multi-step routines: A few essential products with fewer ingredients is all that’s needed. To treat acne or other skin conditions, be sure to see a healthcare professional for advice or skincare recommendations to supplement or replace your existing skincare routine.

Following trends: Keep in mind that you don’t need to follow every skincare trend. Using too many or the wrong products for this stage of life can age skin prematurely and lead to redness, breakouts and irritation, which is exactly what everyone is trying to avoid! Just use what works best for your skin, and remember that they’ll be something new trending next week, so no need to splash your cash!

Peptides: Often in serums, peptides are shown to increase collagen – something that teenagers have plenty of! Collagen drops off as we age, so there’s no need to invest in peptide serums right now.

Salicylic acid: Most products with salicylic acid have a low concentration, which is generally considered safe for teenage skin. However, it’s important for tweens to start with lower concentrations and monitor their skin’s reaction, gradually increasing the frequency as their skin adjusts. When in doubt, look for skincare products specifically formulated for teen skin.

Let’s wrap this thing up, shall we?

As you can see, choosing safe and age-appropriate skincare products will certainly pay off! Your very hydrated, very happy skin will thank you. 

Happy Sundae x

Written By: Lizzie Waley (Sundae Co-Founder & Body Care Enthusiast) | LinkedIn

Fact Checked: Charnnie Frimpong (Sundae Content Marketing Manager) | Linkedin
